Is your company rife
with conflicts?

Sherlock & Zen can resolve and dissolve them!

Interdepartmental conflicts can cause communication bottlenecks.

Very often the various departments at a company fail to appreciate what each contributes to the big picture.

Dr. Dillof was once enlisted to resolve conflicts at a company with a long tradition of interdepartmental hostility. Indeed, it was so severe that each department — finance, marketing, operations, engineering, sales, and human resources — insisted on having their own Christmas party, refusing to join in a company wide celebration. This sort of hostility, in its milder forms, is a lot more frequent than one would imagine.

Even when conflict and contention don’t result in squabbles, there often exists a cold war, accompanied by latent hostilities, rivalry, envy and resentment. Not only does this ill will hamper communication and the flow of information, it also zaps people’s energies. And the resultant stress causes illness, which leads to absenteeism and an increase in healthcare costs.

Not all conflicts cn be dissolved.

Not all conflicts are able to be resolved. Dr. Dillof offers seminars on using conflict to achieve self-knowledge and awkening. See:

Sometimes conflicts are over something relatively significant, but not always. It may, for example, be because the accounting department was just given a new photocopy machine, but the sales department didn’t. Consequently, the sales department feels slighted, by this terrible inequlity and injustice. If it’s true that it’s the little things in life that drive us crazy, then the workplace can be breeding ground of anger-fueled insanity.


Resolving Versus Dissolving

Interpersonal conflict would appear to be intrinsic to the human condition. All the same, when it gets out of hand, something should be done. Alas, resolving conflicts is often like plugging a dam. It just starts leaking somewhere else. Consequently, it’s necessary to delve deeper into the origins of workplace animosity.

Sometimes there are psychological factors at play, such as a repetition of certain family dynamics. Apropos is a book with the title, “Your Boss Is Not Your Mother,” by Dr. Debra Mandel. In other cases, disagreements are due to a clash of worldviews. For example, those who gravitate to operations, for example, see the world somewhat differently than those who are in sales, and this can lead to misunderstandings and to conflicts.

When people are able to understand what is really at issue, conflicts don’t just get resolved. Rather conflicts get dissolved. It’s a very good thing when that happens, for it leads to better cooperation, increased productivity and a more cheerful attitude at the workplace.

Give Dr. Dillof a call, at Sherlock & Zen, LLC, to discuss the types of conflicts at your organization. The number is: 502-458-7171. The email is: