Have you the grit to be an effective leader?

Here’s the good news: confidence, charisma & courage can be acquired!


Ah, there you sit, like Hamlet. Did you know that all the world yearns for true leaders, for men and women with spiritual vision and courage, in business and in all fields of endeavor? The world calls out to you, praying that you will stand up and deliver. So don’t keep it waiting.

Organizations know that leadership — or a lack of it — can significantly impact their bottom line. That is why there are thousands of leadership training programs. Almost invariably, the results are disappointing, for the training fails to transform a manager into an inspiring and invocative leader, the type whom people respect and admire — one who possesses the confidence, charisma, and character to display effective leadership.

After years of research and reflection, Dr. Mark Dillof has discovered what’s needed to effectuate the requisite transformation. This has enabled him to create, in essence, a laboratory for the production of highly effective leaders, known as the Bluegrass leadership academy & executive Finishing school.

The Benefits of This Unique Program

Dr. Dillof’s ledership academy is designed to deepen your mind, sharpen your thinking, enrich your personality, enhance your interpersonal abilities, firm up your resolve, and strengthen your character. Indeed, it offers just the sort of thing that you won’t learn in college, for the emphasis at Dr. Dillof’s individual executive coaching, as well as his academy, is not on gaining a headful of ideas, but on acquiring virtue, or “arete,” as the Greeks called it, which means “excellence.”

What you gain inwardly — courage, determination, resiliency, wisdom and inner peace — you’ll learn to express outwardly in your speech, voice, clothing style, physical presence, bearing grace, vocabularly, manners, really everywhere. Part of our curriculum includes the classics — of philosophy, history, and literature — from which you’ll gain wisdom, better judgment, and the inspiration to do great things, and to become the leader you were meant to become. Your charisma is likely to increase tenfold, and you’ll shine, for men and women of distinction are rare today.
Dr. Dillof’s program consists of three courses, each eight weeks long:

1. “Culture, Character and Charisma for the Leader”
2. “The Art of Reflective of Being a Reflective Leader”
3. “Literature for Leadership”

Classes, which are informal seminars and discussions, meet once a week. You’re likely to find them interesting, mind-expanding, challenging, existentially relevant and very enjoyable. If you don’t reside in Louisville, KY, long distance leadership coaching and mentoring are available, by phone or by Skype.

We can’t promise that attending our program will place you on the fast-track to becoming a CEO or that your peers will enlist you as a candidate for high public office. But at least you won’t be holding yourself back and you’ll be ready should opportunity knock. More importantly, though, leadership has a deeper meaning: If the life you live inspires another person to become a better man or a better woman, then you are as true a leader as ever there was.

The Bluegrass Leadership Academy & Executive Finishing School is a subsidiary of Sherlock & Zen, Business Consulting. For information, contact Dr. Dillof at: 502-458-7171 or email him at mdillof@verizon.net.

Washington had confidence, charisma and character — leadership qualities. Gold Meir had confidence, charisma and character — leadership qualities. Churchill had confidence, charisma and character — leadership qualities. Business-discussion-1-199x300Charles Martel had confidence, charisma and character — leadership qualities. Ronald reagan had confidence, charisma and character — leadership qualities. Nicola Tesla had confidence, charisma and character — leadership qualities. Frederick Douglass had confidence, charisma and character — leadership qualities.